Healing Meditations and Crystal Meanings

Crystal Kits


Pyrite - Strong protection stone that shields the wearer from negative energy as well as environmental pollutants. Helps promote physical well-being. Enhances strength of mind and willpower. 
Elestial - Assists with healing on a deeper soul and karmic level. Use as a catalyst for change. Aids in spiritual growth and evolution. Aids in restful sleep. 
Apache Tears - Apache Tears are healing stones, known to help navigate grief and loss. Apache Tears are said to have the ability to lend support during times of sorrow, and also help those struggling with depression.

Red Jasper - Stone of empowerment, bringing strength to resist emotional domination by others, and the courage to overcome many forms of abuse. Protective. Used to heal wounds and increase fertility. Increases life force energy. 
Tigers Eye - Releases fear and anxiety. Provides focus, stability, and purpose. Increases self esteem and integrity. 
Orange Kyanite - It increases creative thinking, sexuality, and clairsentience. Orange Kyanite instills a sense of child-like joy in all of us, enabling us to put our imaginations to work and then get out there and share our creations with others, without fear of judgment. 
Azurite/Malachite - "Azurite: "stone of heaven", is commonly believed to provide insight into all areas of life, promote intuition, stimulate creativity, dissolve impediments and soften cold intellectualism with love and compassion. Malachite, with its striking green bands of color, has been said to encourage action, enact change, heal heartache, enhance creativity, increase fertility and protect the spirit."

Nuumite - Nuummite works towards bridging the spiritual and physical realms together, providing a channel for higher knowledge and transformative energy to grow and prosper. (Sub: Rainbow Pyrite / Iolite) 
Ruby Kyanite - Ruby in Kyanite is a very complex stone that helps one ground and channel higher vibrations into this earthly plane. 
Smokey Elestial - Stone for grounding, known to dispels negative energy, detoxify the body and energy field from lower vibrations, protect the body from radiation and heal digestion issues. 
Calcite Geode - Calcite geode clears and calms your mind, calcite promotes insight and deeper understanding. Known to powerfully transmute low-vibrational energy, calcite will also amplify the positive energy within and all around you.

Pink Calcite - Pink Calcite is a beautiful angelic crystal that reminds us that all is well and that we are always surrounded by Divine love and are taken care of. Will help us to speak and act from the heart and trust in our emotions. 
Apache Tears - Apache Tears are healing stones, known to help navigate grief and loss. Apache Tears are said to have the ability to lend support during times of sorrow, and also help those struggling with depression. 
Smokey Rutile - Promotes spiritual growth. It cleanses and energizes the aura. Draws off negative energy and disease, letting go of the past. Gives protection against the ill thoughts of others. 
Ruby Fuchsite - Offers the energy of happiness, appreciation, abundance, vitality and growth. It stimulates the heart and helps one too open to divine love. Powerful stone for deep healing by activating the body's defenses and healing mechanisms.

Seraphinite - “Angel wing stone”, is thought to aid connection with the spiritual world, enhance detoxification, encourage positive energy and more prosaically prevent snakebite. 
Quartz - Master healer crystal. Known as the stone of power and amplifies any energy or intention. Protects against negativity, attunes to your higher self, and relieves pain. 
Azurite/Malachite - "Azurite: "stone of heaven", is commonly believed to provide insight into all areas of life, promote intuition, stimulate creativity, dissolve impediments and soften cold intellectualism with love and compassion. Malachite, with its striking green bands of color, has been said to encourage action, enact change, heal heartache, enhance creativity, increase fertility and protect the spirit." 
Honey Calcite - It encourages responsibility in leadership and can help with recovering from abusive situations. Honey Calcite increases feelings of self-worth, confidence, courage, and assists to overcome obstacles. It is helpful for learning of all types and developing skills.

Elestial Quartz - Assists with healing on a deeper soul and karmic level. Use as a catalyst for change. Aids in spiritual growth and evolution. Aids in restful sleep. 
Black Tourmaline - Stone for Psychic protection. Wards off negativity and clears residual energy. Helps to ground high vibe energy down to earth. 
Orange Kyanite - It increases creative thinking, sexuality, and clairsentience. Orange Kyanite instills a sense of child-like joy in all of us, enabling us to put our imaginations to work and then get out there and share our creations with others, without fear of judgment. 
Quartz Point - Master healer crystal. Known as the stone of power and amplifies any energy or intention. Protects against negativity, attunes to your higher self, and relieves pain.

Quartz Point - Master healer crystal. Known as the stone of power and amplifies any energy or intention. Protects against negativity, attunes to your higher self, and relieves pain.
Pink Calcite - Pink Calcite is a beautiful angelic crystal that reminds us that all is well and that we are always surrounded by Divine love and are taken care of. Will help us to speak and act from the heart and trust in our emotions. 
Aquatine Calcite - It has the power to support and soothe one's emotional body. This allows one to become calm and control one's emotions. It also helps us with negative emotions such as stress, worry, fear, and anxiety. 
Demantoid Garnet - It carries the qualities of protection, grounding, safety, wisdom, and stability.

Quartz Point - Master healer crystal. Known as the stone of power and amplifies any energy or intention. Protects against negativity, attunes to your higher self, and relieves pain. 
Charoite - Charoite is a multidimensional stone that assists one in connecting with spirit guides, deities, and entities of other realms. Charoite's active energy helps remove the facade we place upon ourselves. This is a self-defensive attribute that our subconscious commonly creates. 
Hematite - Haematite restores, strengthens and regulates the blood supply, aiding blood conditions such as anemia. It supports the kidneys and regenerates tissue. Stimulates the absorption of iron and formation of red blood cells. Treats leg cramps, anxiety and insomnia. 
Blue Chalcedony - Absorbs negative energy. Brings the mind, body, emotions and spirit into harmony. Chalcedony instills feelings of benevolence and generosity. Helps promote peaceful assertiveness that can bring peaceful resolution to conflicts.

Honey Calcite - It encourages responsibility in leadership and can help with recovering from abusive situations. Honey Calcite increases feelings of self-worth, confidence, courage, and assists to overcome obstacles. It is helpful for learning of all types and developing skills. 
Pink Calcite - Pink Calcite a beautiful angelic crystal that reminds us that all is well and that we are always surrounded by Divine love and are taken care of. Will help us to speak and act from the heart and trust in our emotions. 
Calcite geode - Calcite geode clears and calms your mind, calcite promotes insight and deeper understanding. Known to powerfully transmute low-vibrational energy, calcite will also amplify the positive energy within and all around you. 
Aqua Kyanite - It provides balance of yin-yang energy and dispels blockages, moving energy gently through the physical body. Kyanite has a calming effect on the whole being, bringing tranquility. It encourages psychic abilities and communication on all levels. It drives away anger, frustration, confusion and stress and helps to provide a capacity for linear and logical thought.

Elestial Quartz - Assists with healing on a deeper soul and karmic level. Use as a catalyst for change. Aids in spiritual growth and evolution. Aids in restful sleep. 
Amethyst - Amethyst is a powerful stone for protection and purification of both the spiritual and physical bodies. It purifies the energy field of one’s body as well as any room it is placed in. This makes it an all around excellent healing stone as it removes negative influences and attachments in the environment that would hinder one’s spiritual, physical, and emotional healing. 
Apache Tears - Apache Tears are healing stones, known to help navigate grief and loss. Apache Tears are said to have the ability to lend support during times of sorrow, and also help those struggling with depression. 
Tigers Eye - Releases fear and anxiety. Provides focus, stability, and purpose. Increases self esteem and integrity.

Elestial Quartz - Assists with healing on a deeper soul and karmic level. Use as a catalyst for change. Aids in spiritual growth and evolution. Aids in restful sleep. 
Amber - Protection , Positivity, and Healing. With its nurturing energy, these amber stones are the perfect stones to help connect you with your inner strength and give you a sense of protection. 
Amethyst - Amethyst is a powerful stone for protection and purification of both the spiritual and physical bodies. It purifies the energy field of one’s body as well as any room it is placed in. This makes it an all around excellent healing stone as it removes negative influences and attachments in the environment that would hinder one’s spiritual, physical, and emotional healing. 
Prehnite - "Prehnite is considered a "stone of dreaming"; it is believed to increase the power of the dream state, strengthen lucid dreaming and promote communication with other planes of existence."

Red Jasper - Stone of empowerment, bringing strength to resist emotional domination by others, and the courage to overcome many forms of abuse. Protective. Used to heal wounds and increase fertility. Increases life force energy. 
Rutile Quartz - Promotes spiritual growth. It cleanses and energizes the aura. Draws off negative energy and disease, letting go of the past. Rutilated Quartz gives protection against the ill thoughts of others. 
Shungite - Helps to protect and ground. It helps reduce inflammation and can destroy harmful pathogens. Wear it to the ground and protect your aura. Place a piece in your drinking water to purify and cleanse. 
Seraphinite - “Angel wing stone”, is thought to aid connection with the spiritual world, enhance detoxification, encourage positive energy and more prosaically prevent snakebite.